By: Kansur

    With Rice's recent Games article, and the long forgotten Video of the Week by Gerry, I decided to write up an article of my top 50 favorite movies. I was originally going to make a 101 list, but I can't remember all the good movies out there, so I stuck at 50. These are the movies I recommend anyone to see if they haven't seen it, and to rent them if you have a chance. Here they are, in no particular order.

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1.     Star War Series
    The most obvious of choices. Star Wars and its sequels/prequels set the standard for a lot of the Science Fiction movies that I liked. It's probably the only ones that I actually enjoyed watching sequels to. Usually, when a Sci-Fi gets into sequels, they get worse and worse.

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2.     Indiana Jones Series
    Steven Spielberg is a genius, as well as Harrison Ford. One of my favorite action/adventure movies of all time. I just finished playing the Infernal Machine, based on this movie, and I got to say it rocks. Lucas and Spielberg are genius' at what they do.

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3.     Superman Series
    Ah, the memorable Christopher Reeve as Superman. This series was the best of comic book interpretations at that time. I still think they did an excellent job, although the special effects could use some work. I can't wait until the DVD releases of these fabulous movies.

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4.     Back To The Future Series
    I loved this series. I can watch it over and over. I liked it because all three parts actually made sense with one another, unlike Die Hard. Once one part was over, the second part picked up right where it left off, even though they filmed years apart. I guess that why they picked Michael J Fox as the lead, since he looks the same now as he did when he was a teen. Somewhat like Dick Clark. He never ages. I loved the hoverboards. I know all of you wished you had one.

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5.     The Matrix
    I am a huge Matrix fan. Although the story is a bit off the wall, the special effects caught my attention. There are a lot of movies out there that have the concept of computers and hackers and such, but this one took it to the beyond. My favorite scene has got to be the scene after my favorite line. "I Know Kung-Fu."

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6.     Grosse Pointe Blank
    My sister first introduced me to this movie. Excellent John Cusack movie about Hitmen, love, and morality. If you haven't seen this movie, you're deprived. Favorite scenes include the shootout in his old house and the killing of the goon with a pen.

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7.     Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    Oh My God! If you haven't seen this movie, you're dead because it's on TV every year. Want to learn how to ditch High School? Then this is the movie to rent. My favorite scene was the Twist and Shout scene. I have it in mpeg. =)

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8.     Terminator 2
    One of the few Arnold movies that I really enjoyed. The first Terminator was all right, but it was back when Arnold couldn't speak English very well. In T2, Arnold had a more important role. What ever happened to the kid in this movie? He disappeared. My favorite scene is the last scene in the movie when Arnold gets lowered into the steel.

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9.     The Mighty Ducks
    Although all three Ducks movie were good, the first part was the one that caught my attention. This was a movie that came out at the right time when street hockey and roller-blades became the trend. I remember those 8th grade days when we would play the modified game of hockey by kicking a crushed can around a basketball court. Also a good chance to see a young Joshua Jackson act. Of course, the championship game is my favorite scene.

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10.     Shawshank Redemption
    The greatest prison break movie of all time. I don't care what you say. Tim Robbins (from Mission to Mars) plays the convict who escapes. Such a great movie. Morgan Freeman also stars, as well as a bunch of others, such as the Sherriff from Roswell. When the warden finds out about the prison break, and how they explain it all has to be my favorite scene.

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11.     Sneakers
    I believe this is my only Robert Redford movie on my list. It's all about professional robbers that you hire to test your security. These robbers are blackmailed by a government branch (I forget which) to go and steal a black box (that looks damn familiar to my answering machine) that contains all the codes to decrypt any transmission in the world. My favorite scene is when the blind man drives to save everyone.

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12.     Twelve Angry Men (any version)
    I know a lot of you probably saw this in school, but there have been many version of it out there. The original is still the best, but there was one made in the 90s staring Tony Danza and a bunch of other people. Even though these movies are filmed in 1 room, it was still better than Cube. :P Favorite scene includes the part when the sadist contradicts his ass when he yells "I'm going to kill you!"

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13.     Starship Troopers
    A good movie with guns that practically never ran out of bullets. Pretty cool. Even though this might be considered a B-movie, because of the unrealistic dead bodies, the effects for the bugs was great. You should see the how the film them on the DVD. Every damn fighting scene with machine guns, nukes, and shotguns have got to be the best scenes in the movie.

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14.     Big
    A oldie but goodie. Tom Hanks stars in this hilarious movie made by Penny Marshall (Laverne from Laverne and Shirley). It's all about a boy wishing to be big, and his wish comes true. It's hilarious to see a 13-year-old boy climb the corporate ladder to Vice-President in a toy company after just 1 week of work. Excellent movie. Chopsticks on the foot-played piano is my favorite scene.

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15.     Three Men and a Baby
    Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson star in this hilarious movie about 3 bachelors raising a baby left on their doorstep. This movie kind of touches people, especially when people ransack their apartment threatening to take the baby. Heart-filled crap, but hilarious. When the baby pees on the couch is hilarious!

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16.     Three Men and a Little Lady
    The sequel to the above. This movie mostly takes place in England when the mom of the baby decides to marry some freak. Tom Selleck, however, is in love with this lady is will stop at nothing to get her and the "Little Lady", Mary. When Ted Danson reveals himself at the end is my favorite scene.

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17.     Parenthood
    A Steve Martin movie that deals with the hassles of raising a family. This is sort of like a soap opera with separate families and their own problems. The only good part is that they're all related somehow. Keanu Reeves and Rick Moranis star in funny roles. Favorite scenes include the introduction of Cool and when Steve Martin dresses up as a cowboy for his sons' birthday. Man! You got to see his costume, made from household items.

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18.     Air Force One
    Another Harrison Ford movie. I believe this is my favorite airplane hijack movie of all time. Maybe it's because the President is held hostage, or how he fights back. I don't know but I enjoyed it. My favorite scene is when Gary Oldman (the bad guy) takes over the plane and goes nuts when the pilot won't take-off after they try to land.

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19.     Good Morning, Vietnam
    Robin Williams is hilarious in almost every movie he does. This movie brings some comedic views during the Vietnam War. His antics over the radio are hilarious, as can be expected. My favorite scene is when William's boss takes over his job and ATTEMPTS to be funny over the radio.

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20.     Forrest Gump
    Another Tom Hanks favorite. Lieutenant Dan rules =) I loved how they were able to make Forrest look realistic in a lot of old and famous videos, including John Lennon, JFK, and others. Although this movie seems a bit unrealistic, it's very well made, since there were many attempts. The book was way better than the movie anyhow.

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21.     Color of Money
    Tom Cruise and Paul Newman star in this great billiards classic. I love billiards, but I can't play worth crap. This movie is all about money. Two hustlers wanting more and then competing against each other in a championship match. Favorite scene: all the billiards scenes.

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22.     Goodfellas
    No one can forget a classic like Goodfellas. So many stars, so many famous lines. Joe Pesci rules in this movie. All the blood. All the violence. It's what makes this movie so great! You gotta love the way Pesci loses his temper throughout this movie. He even beats up on people when they're dead!

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23.     Office Space
    From the makers of Beavis & Butthead. Mike Judge astounds us with a hilarious comedy about three guys who hate their job. Do you have a case of the Mondays? My favorite scene is when the three guys gang up on a printer. I sometimes feel like that towards my printer too.

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24.     The Rock
    Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery at their best. Even though this is not technically a prison break movie, more like a prison break in, it ruled all. Don't we all wish we were Connery in this movie? An operative for the US government trained by the British. He knows all the secrets. The assassination of JFK. Everything! The car chase scene between a Ferrari and a Hummer on the streets of San Francisco. Sounds like a damn video game.

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