by Gerry

    Kansur had a real good idea by introducing his personal Top 50 videos. Hopefully you guys were able to discover some hidden treasures you never knew existed. He had some real good choices in there. Except Pulp Fiction was directed by Quentin Tarantino, and not Martin Scorsese. Hopefully Rice World won't get sued. =)

    I now bring you my own Top 69 video picks, independent of Kansur's. He naturally has a few that would obviously make my all-time list, like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc., so I decided to do a mutually exclusive set of recommendations. And no, I didn't include porn titles. I was stuck like at 15 and figured I'd just fill in the rest w/ porn, but then I remembered that it's a fucking moronic idea. =)

    With the help of Rice, I was able to come up w/ 69 videos that don't coincide w/ Kansur's list. Once again, there is no particular order. It is impossible to rank these awesome movies, and even if you tried you can't do so w/o catching heat. Like how the fuck did Citizen Kane get the #1 spot for AFI's Top 100 of the Century? That movie literally made me fall asleep. Twice.

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1.     Three Amigos
    Everyone can do the Three Amigos dance. Admit it. This movie was a riot, especially w/ Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, and Martin Short under the delusion that they're starring in a melodrama while they're really embroiled in a conflict south of the border. Hahahaha....

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2.     Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
    Only the original is worthy of this list. The sequel, AV: When Nature Calls, wasn't 1/3 as funny as the original, which was chock full of Jim Carrey facial expressions and antics, and also one hell of a Crying Game-ish ending.

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3.     American Pie
    The moment this movie opened w/ Jim jerking off to scrambled porn, I knew it would be a classic. Everyone thinks this movie is just a sexfest. Well, they're right but it also has a heart, and that's what separates it from the rest of the raunchy teen comedies.

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4.    Apollo 13
    Man, Apollo 13 not being nominated for an Oscar was one of the biggest travesties of the past year. It captured the spirit of the American space program in the late 60's/early 70's so perfectly, right down to the architecture and wardrobe. We knew how the movie would end, since it was based on a true story, but somehow director Ron Howard made a gripping, suspenseful movie featuring some of the best rocket takeoff effects in recent memory.

    Oh yeah, Apollo 13 also has one of the best scores ever written by James Horner.

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5.     Austin Powers Series
    Has a movie ever contributed to the vernacular lexicon as much as Austin Powers has? It's euphemisms and characters have become embedded in our culture, and for once this type of influence hasn't proven subversive. Just freakin funny.

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6.     Basic Instinct
    Ah, the fond memories I have of watching this movie. This was the first time I saw a softcore movie, and I remember being more captivated than turned on. Of course I was like, 11 years old or something. Sharon Stone is one of my favorite actresses because she's got the daring to do naked love scenes.

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7.     Home Alone
    This was back when Macaulay Culkin was still a cute little tyke. This came count in 1990, back when I could still enjoy a kiddie hijinks movie. But for some reason, watching the Kid terrorize the burglars who are supposed to be doing the terrorizing, I can't stop laughing. The stunt doubles who did Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern's dirty took a beating. But it ended up helping Home Alone gross over $300 million.

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8.     Blade
    Blade features some of the most phrenetic, energetic sword fight scenes ever. Even faster than Obi Wan vs. Darth Maul. Blade is based on a comic book, and it's captured just as well as Batman was on film. Wesley Snipes is a half breed vampire/human, and is torn between his hatred for the bloodsuckers and his own thirst. So what does he do? He gets revenge by doing martial arts and wearing a sword like a fucking samurai. Badass. There's also a mythological prophetic aspect to Blade that was cool.

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9.     Braveheart
    Me and Rice pretty much agree this is one of the best movies of all time. It won a Best Picture Oscar too, if anyone remembers. Braveheart is the story of William Wallace, the Scottish liberator who helped win Scotland her independence from England. Braveheart features some hella bloody battlefield scenes, and was one of the first movie to use digital extras. Plus Sophie Marceau was hot.

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10.     Chinatown
    This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I really like film noir for its shadowy characters and plot twists, and the atmosphere of decadence. This movie was made in the 70's but it seems like you're in 1930's Los Angeles, back when it was just a desert barrio. Jack Nicholson and director Roman Polanski made their names through this film, one no one in their lifetime should miss.

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11.     Clash Of The Titans
    I love fantasy, as I've establsihed, but I also love mythology. Well, mythology can be viewed as a subtitle of fantasy along w/ science fiction, but whatever. Clash Of The Titans is one of the best movies about myths, telling the story of Perseus and his encounters w/ the Kraaken and other beasties. The scene w/ Medusa is still one of the scariest in movie history. And it was stop motion too. No CGI back then.

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12.     Conan Series
    The first time I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger onscreen was as Conan, the badass hero that looks like a viking meets He Man. Boy, can he wield a broadsword. This was back when Ah-nold was invincible and a modern day Hercules. He was much much buffer back then. I think this was in his Mr. Universe days.

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13.     Dances With Wolves
    Besides a shot of Kevin Costner's naked ass, Dances With Wolves truly deserved its Best Picture Oscar in c. 1991. It is the tale of the white man's gradual extermination of the Native Americans during the 19th Century. It's truly one of the saddest and most shameful eras of US history. Of course, if all this were still Injun land then I'd probably not be typing this huh? Heh heh.

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14.     Desperado
    Robert Rodriguez's mainstream debut, Desperado upped the violence scale for Westerns and also introduced us to the lovely Salma Hayek, who does her one and only naked love scene here. Fuck me she is fine. But it looks like she mighta gotten a breast reduction or removed her implants. The hell?

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15.     Die Hard
    Bruce Willis trapped in a skyscraper. Badass! What was unique about this movie was how the entire movie was confined to one building w/ no means of escape. Later it gave rise to movies like Speed (Die Hard on a bus) and Under Siege (Die Hard on a ship).

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16.     Dumb And Dumber
    Jim Carrey never ceases to make me laugh till I cry. Here, as Lloyd Christmas, Jim Carrey solidified the careers of the Farrelly Brothers, famous most recently for There's Something About Mary. Well, T'SAM is nowhere as drop dead funny as D&D. You end up love Lloyd and Harry like brothers. The diarrhea scene is priceless. So's a redheaded Lauren Holly.

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17.     Excalibur
    The age of King Arthur like it was supposed be, not all wussied up like in First Knight. Here, there is debauchery, schlongs, violence, sorcery, and one fucking mean sword. It could probably break Daikatana in half!

Trivia: This was Liam Neeson's movie  debut.

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18.     Executive Decision
    Air Force One was an alright movie. But c'mon, you really think Bill Clinton can take down all those Russian bad guys by himself? Get outta here. In Executive Decision, there's no heroic President, but there is a small unit that's supposed to free an airplane from hijackers. A great "team" movie.

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19.     Face/Off
    This is probably my 2nd favorite John Woo movie among those I've seen. Somehow, John Woo makes you care about these characters and look past the presposterous plot. Just like in M:I-2 actually. Too bad M:I-2 lacked a villain of Travolta or Cage's calibur.

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20.     A Few Good Men
    This is probably my favorite movie of all time. But I don't like to tell people because when I do, their first reaction is that it's a gay men porno flick. Well, it's not. It's like JAG, the TV show. A Few Good Men is about the separation of the military from civilian law. Where do you draw the line when it comes to military traditions and the modern political correct age?

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21.     The Game
    Man, this movie kept me guessing right till the end. Michael Douglas signs up for this agency that is supposed to improve his life. Suddenly, his life goes awry, and everyone in his environment seems to be in on something. But what is it?

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22.     Ghostbusters
    Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! I still have a fondness for this movie, and I catch it occasionally on Comedy Central. It's certainly a humorous spin on the supernatural, where there's a policing force that can somehow blast ghosts w/ lasers. Incredulous nowadays, but undeniably a funny movie.

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23.     Glory
    The American Civil War is probably my most favorite war of all time. Well, not because I'm a bloodthirsty war monger, but becaue of the rich history behind that war as well as the romanticism of it. Glory, directed by Edward Zwick, was a fine Civil War movie that had the daring to portray the black soldier's story. Absolutely gripping.

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24.     The Godfather Trilogy
    Mmmmmbebeth mmmmmmerertrt. That's how Marlon Brando talks. It's barely intelligible, yet his Don Corleone is one of the most revered figures in cinema. The Italian mafia is seen in all its splendor here, back when they truly ran the joint.

    And no, this ain't the fucking Sopranos.

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