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By: Rice

   Some of you may have been aware of my trip to Canada this past summer after my High School graduation. Well, I'm happy to say that it was probably one of the BEST vacations I have ever taken in my life, and I will DEFINITELY be going back up to Canada later in my life if I ever get the chance. The majority of the trip was spent in the quaint port town of Richmond, near downtown Vancouver. I swear, that place is the Chinatown of Canada, right there... so I felt right at home.

    However, the highlight of the trip was when we joined a travelling group and embarked upon the Rocky Mountains. Yes, the Rockies extend all the way up past the border, between the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Have no idea what I'm talking about? Here's a map of Canada, which includes 10 provinces and 3 territories: click! Anyways... The Rockies up there are the pride and joy of B.C., not to mention a big part of the revenue from tourists such as I. Saying it's "beautiful" is like calling Shaquille O'Neal of the L.A. Lakers "above average sized".

    Our first leg of the trip included a quick visit around greater Vancouver, then we headed up to the Canadian Rockies. Pictures are worth a thousand words... and here are some of my hand picked shots that I personally took (I was the designated photographer of my family). Click them to enlarge. Enjoy!

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Gorgeous parks in
Richmond are visitors'
Vancouver... the bustling
port city of British
Another shot of the park.
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My mom exhibiting this
breath taking backdrop.
Sunsets and sunrises are
made beautiful behind snow
capped mountains.
The frigid conditions of the
snow covered peak.
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The 5-star hotel with the
world famous Lake Louise
as it's backdrop.
Another view of the hotel. Lake Louise... Stunning
even when shrouded in fog
and rain.
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My little brother and I,
using Lake Louise as the
background of this shot.
I forgot the name of this
peculiarly shaped lake,
but it's a beauty.
The raw, natural beauty of 
Lake Moirane, unlike the
civilized look of Louise.
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A shot of the snow capped
mountain behind Lake

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