By Rice

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NHL 2001
Genre: Sports (Hockey)
GameSpot Review: 8.8/10

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"Like many of the games in EA Sports' 2001 lineup, NHL 2001 benefits from significantly improved visuals and refined gameplay. NHL 2001 is an amazing-looking game: Players' faces are incredibly detailed, and they have a wider range of expressions. This year's version also gives you the ability to configure specific AI features like passing time and how quickly players recover from body checks." - GameSpot

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Shogun: Total War
Genre: Strategy
GameSpot 2000 Strategy Game of the Year

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"Command large armies of samurai warriors in Shogun's blend of real-time tactical action and strategic planning. Both the tactical and strategic components of the game are equally successful, and they take good advantage of a compelling historical setting that's already made its way into many films, books, and games. In addition, the 3D graphics and the general artistry of its presentation show off Shogun's high level of polish." - GameSpot

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Thief 2: The Metal Age
Genre: First Person Shooter
Sharky Games' Extreme Game of 2000

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"After Thief: The Dark Project singlehandedly defined a new niche genre, Looking Glass ironed out all the kinks and released a sequel with even more atmosphere, better graphics, the same superb sound that hits you the moment you start playing and an almost total focus on sneaking with barely a session of Thief 1-style monster bashing in sight." - Sharky Games

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Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
Genre: Sports (Skateboard)
GameSpot Review: 8.6/10

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"The widely praised console skating game finally comes to the PC. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 is just an incredibly fun sports game. Even if you don't like skating, the game's addictive career mode and easy-to-use trick system are enough to hook even the most dedicated traditional sports fan." - GameSpot

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