Issue #6 (10-08-01)
by Gerry Wang

Please visit the archives if you've missed some past issues.

I write this issue in a somewhat subdued state. We are at war. So far we've only started missile attacks, but it's just a matter of time before ground troops are sent in to weed out those dirty Arabs. When we register an American casualty, the reality of this all will finally sink in. It doesn't end when Osama bin Laden is drawn and quartered. The US is embarking on a crusade to end all terrorism around the world. Very idealistic, but I get a sinking feeling that it won't ever happen. And you know what scares me the most? Experts have said that the probability of a terrorist retaliatory strike against us is 100%.

We live in a fucked up world. I wish the US would just stop tiptoeing around and bring down the hammer on those dirty Arabs. If you haven't heard, a man in Florida recently died from exposure to anthrax, and it has been determined that it was not contracted from natural means. Someone mailed him a package containing the anthrax spores, and the victim wasn't the only one affected. The mailroom guy is in the hospital right now. Scary shit.

What will happen when the terrorists release some anthrax into a heavily populated area? Can the US return the favor w/o all these pussy pacifists crying out against it? I swear, the fucking anti-war people are all a bunch of hypocrites. They'll oppose war until a loved one of theirs is killed. Then they'll reverse their position faster than I can finish typing this sentence. Fuck 'em. Fuck Palestine, and all dirty Arabs.

We're in for a loooong, drawn out war.

Rants and Ravings

Top 10 List: Tom Hanks Movies (according to Gerry)     

    Tom Hanks is one of the most widely venerated actors in the world. He's looked upon as an Everyman, a throwback to the good ol' days of Americana and Hollywood. If he were to run for President, I'm sure he'd do better than Pat Buchanan. I have this theory that Tom Brokaw would actually win the office....... but that's for another rant at another time. Here's my Top 10 Favorite Tom Hanks Movies.

1.) Saving Private Ryan - Even though I am generally desensitized to violence, SPR still haunted me. The first 20 minutes are like a celluloid version of the Bayeux Tapestry.

2.) Apollo 13 - Somehow Ron Howard made me sit at the edge of my seat in suspense, even though we already knew how it'd turn out. Great movie that unfortunately had to go up against Braveheart at the Oscars.

3.) Forrest Gump - When I first watched it in 1993, I didn't get it. I thought it was just about a moron who serendipitously meanders through US history. But as I watched it again on DVD, I realized it's about death. 

4.) Cast Away - Tom Hanks was robbed by Russell Crowe for Best Actor. If Robert Zemeckis just gave everyone the ending they wanted, then Cast Away would've been #2. Great movie, but comes up short.

5.) The Green Mile - This movie definitely isn't short by any means. It dragged at the end, and for no good reason but to remind us that this was a Stephen King novel and that everything isn't always happily ever after.

6.) Big - I never thought of Tom Hanks as an adult playing a child trapped in an adult's body. I completely believed a boy was really trapped in a man's body.

7.) Splash - I'm a fan of Tom Hanks' earlier work. Lots of feel-good 80's fairy tales. I remember watching this as a kid and thinking, Goddamn someone move Daryl Hannah's hair out of her boobs' way!

8.) Turner & Hooch - I'm a dog lover so liking this movie came naturally. Heh heh. The dog drank beer. Heh heh heh.

9.) Sleepless In Seattle - If you've been a regular reader of mine, you know I detest romantic comedies. I find them all trite and predictable. Except once in a while, one comes along that I begrudgingly enjoy.

10.) Bachelor Party - If I told you there were a ton of tits and penis jokes in a Tom Hanks movie, you'd laugh, right? Well, go rent Bachelor Party. Yeeeehaw!

Pictorial Tribute: Jolene Blalock

In honor of "Enterprise," a promising new show that's going to start kicking ass sooner or later, here's a pictorial of Jolene Blalock, who plays the Vulcan T'Pol. She actually does a good job. I was expecting her to suck. Here are her pictures from the most recent Maxim magazine.