Issue #8 (10-28-01)
by Gerry Wang

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This issue will be short......... to the untrained eye! I spend a lot of time on the NBA Season Preview, and I originally intended to stick it all on Issue #8 and then just let Rice excerpt it like last time. Then I thought about the logistics and I realized it's a phenomenal pain in the ass.

Therefore I will just link you from this issue, rather than stick on 3 pages worth of text for you to sift through. It is already in the Articles section of Rice World. Read it, or perish..... Click!

Rants and Ravings

Top 10 List: Cool Bald Guys

    I have many friends who are balding. It's pretty sad. They tell me horror stories about waking up and seeing clumps on hairs on their pillows. It's enough to make a grown man cry. But not enough to make this list! You gotta be a cool cat to make this Top 10 list. You gotta wear your baldness w/ confidence. Don't be sniveling about needing Rogaine! Be a man!

1.) Michael Jordan - The best basketball player ever is back!

2.) Homer Simpson - Best cartoon dad ever.

3.) Barry Bonds - I doubted him the entire season, then he smacked #71 and I fell on my knees in subordinance.

4.) Patrick Stewart - Warp 9, engage! The coolest captain of the USS Enterprise ever.

5.) Vin Diesel - Out of everyone on this list, he's the one I least want to meet in a dark alley.

6.) Bruce Willis - Does this dude make bad movies? Anyone see BANDITS? I didn't.

7.) Jason Alexander - He oughta name his sinking sitcom "George Patterson"

8.) Lex Luthor - I like it when the archnemesis is actually pretty adept.

9.) Mr. Clean - He was supposed to be GWS' spokesperson. But the deal fell through at the last second.

10.) Billy Corgan - The former lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins.

Pictorial Tribute: Tyra Banks

Wow, black women really are underrepresented in society. I didn't give them a second thought until now, when I was thinking of ways to incorporate affirmative action into Rice World. Heh heh, I say this all w/ a tongue in my cheek, obviously.

Tyra Banks is hands down the hottest black chick in the world. I ain't a racist, but almost all black women I've encountered in my lifetime have been fucking bitch hoes w/ no manners and regard for anyone but themselves. Fuck em. I wish they would all be more like Tyra Banks, who seems sweet and bright.