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Do you like it here? cefadroxilo jarabe 250 mg precio (By Paul Virgo) Rome, July 29 - Premier Enrico Letta said Monday hewas not worried about his left-right government collapsing aheadof the supreme Court of Cassation's ruling on a four-year prisonsentence against ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi. If the Cassation, which is set to hold a hearing on thetax-fraud case Tuesday, upholds the verdict, the prison term anda five-year ban from holding public office will becomedefinitive. Some lawmakers for Berlusconi's centre-right People ofFreedom (PdL) party have threatened it will pull its backing andsink the government unless the sentence is overturned, sayingtheir leader is the victim a persecution by left-wingmagistrates targeting him for political reasons. There is also speculation Letta's own centre-leftDemocratic Party (PD) could pull out as many elements withinwould be unhappy about governing with an alliance partner led bya figure with a definitive criminal conviction to his name. Three-time premier Berlusconi, meanwhile, has said hislegal problems and the government are separate issues. And Letta also seems confident his fragile administration,which took power in April after two months of deadlock followingFebruary's inconclusive general election, will survive no matterwhat the Cassation decides. "I don't think there will be the earthquakes evoked bythose who, evidently, want earthquakes," Letta, whose governmentis also threatened by policy differences between the PD and thePdL, said during a visit to Greece. "I'm convinced that the situation is much more stable thanit is being presented as... I'm absolutely relaxed and serene. "I've planned the work for next year and I'm convinced thatstability will be confirmed". The PdL managed to halt parliamentary business for a dayafter the Cassation said it would hear the fraud case on July30, rather than later this year as had been expected. The court said this was necessary to stop part of theaccusations against Berlusconi being timed out by the statute oflimitations next month. The four-year conviction regards a system of inflatedfilm-rights purchases at Berlusconi's Mediaset media empire andthe use of offshore companies to create slush funds and dodgetaxes. Berlusconi says he had nothing to do with these dealings orauthorising them as he was too occupied with political matters. Because of a 2006 amnesty law, three of the four years ofthe sentence will not be effective, if the sentence isconfirmed. As he is over 70, he would probably not serve the year inprison if definitively convicted, but be given social work orhouse arrest as punishment. However the five-year ban would kick in if, as usuallyhappens, parliament ratifies it, in which case Berlusconi wouldhave to step down as Senator. The Cassation may uphold the sentence, overturn it, order aretrial or delay proceedings, if this is requested byBerlusconi's defence team. Berlusconi has faced many criminal cases since becoming apolitician, but he has never received a definitive conviction atthe end of the appeals process. Several were timed out. Berlusconi is also appealing against a seven-year sentenceand a life ban from office for paying an underage prostitutenicknamed Ruby for sex and a one-year term for involvement inthe publication of a wiretap that hurt a political rival. He may also face trial for allegedly buying Senators tobring down a previous centre-left government.
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